Jobs doing .Net – working on

So, you may or may not have heard that I left my old company Headspring and I took a job another well known Austin based company called Dell.  It was with mixed feelings that I left, because Headspring has awesome people and I enjoyed working with all of them.  At the same time, I missed working on high volume eCommerce websites. 


That being said, we are hiring.  We are hiring a bunch of Senior Developers and Solution Architects. If you enjoy working with .Net especially MVC and you digg things like unit testing, test automation, high volume websites, jQuery, and performance tuning.. Than, boy oh boy, we have a job for you!!!!


Here are some of the roles we are trying to fill:

UI Architect – CSS, HTML5 expert, someone who can set global direction and architecture for how the sheen is laid out on the websites.

Senior Developers – We are looking for UI and Backend developers, if you know WCF that is a plus.  We have a lot of roles in different teams, we need people who are passionate and can speak to SOLID object oriented principles. If you like TDD then we can digg it. Experience doing Iterative delivery  . aka Agile.

Solution Architects – These people need to code, prototype, and become experts in the eCommerce domain. We need smart people, who can deliver workable, testable, scalable solutions. All the Senior Dev requirements apply here too.


If you are into eCommerce, than let me know that too.  Anyone who brings that experience to the table is very valuable.

What else is good: Brains, Humility, Great Communication skills.

What would not be a good fit: If you have your favorite toolset and you can only work with those tools, that will probably not work out so well for you. Especially if you cannot sell the value of using them.  We have a lot of teams, and your choice of IoC may not be the same as someone else’s.  You may not digg the build script, but does that matter?  It may to you, but I would rather focus on unit and integration test automation versus the micro efficiencies of which test framework is the best.   ( I am sure I will get flamed for putting this out in the public, but that’s the deal and its out here with full transparency)


If you are interested email me at [email protected] , (I am using my personal alias so that the spam bots to not flood my work email)

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