First ATX Code Lunch Success!

FirstATXCodeLunchWe had our first ATX Code Lunch today and we had a great turnout.  The estimates ranged from 20-22 participants. I heard lots of different discussions from employment opportunities, to side projects, to specific technologies (iOS development, Android Java Development, .NET and other web frameworks, and a number of others). 

Our next lunch will be February 17th at 11:30am.  We’re thinking about trying a new venue. Mighty Fine had plenty of room and the long tables were good for the group. The background noise was high, making it hard to hear, though.

We’d love to hear your suggestions about a new venue and any suggestions or comments you may have.  If you haven’t already, check out the mailing list and join in! Don’t worry, we’re not asking anyone to volunteer for anything.

I won’t be posting every reminder on my blog, so if you want to keep up with the community please join the mailing list and check out the Google calendar we have:


Google Calendar

Calendar ID:

Announcing: ATX Code Lunch