Learn Some Modern Web Development With Me!

So I have this friend that is pretty dang smart and has a lot of good ideas. We were chatting the other day about some neat things we are working on and in the end I convinced Brad to blog about them. I haven’t been as “bloggy” lately so I thought the Los Techies audience could get some use out of Brad’s topics if he posted them as our guest blogger of the moment. I hope you enjoy his upcoming posts on Building Realtime HTML5 Apps!

About the author: Brad

is a badass JavaScript coder who enjoys building cool stuff and long walks on the beach. As the Founder/CTO at TechPines, he has worked with large companies and startups to build cutting-edge applications based on HTML5 and Node.js. He is the creator of Bone.io, a realtime HTML5 framework, and is the author of Embracing Disruption: A Cloud Revolution Manifesto.

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