SOLID JavaScript In A Wobbly World (Wide Web)

I got to speak at CodeMash 2014, and gave a talk on applying the SOLID software principles to JavaScript. In addition to giving the talk, though, I also recorded the session and have published the video with all the resources!

The Video

You can watch the video on YouTube, or here in the embedded player.

The video is published as 1080P so be sure to open the video in full screen to get the best quality.

I recorded the video with ScreenFlow and used my portable Roland R05 audio recorder to record the audio. I put the R05 on the podium next to my laptop during the talk, and aimed it up at me. The audio came out amazingly well, proving just how good this little device is. In a room of well over 100 people, with constant noise and echo, the R05 picked up my voice quite nicely without the noise.

The Resources

In addition to the video recording, you can get the Keynote slides and source code on my Github repository. If you don’t have Keynote, though, you can see the slides in my SpeakerDeck account as well.

Want more JavaScript screencasts? **Check out WatchMeCode **where you’ll find everything from tools to patterns, fundamentals and more!



This talk only covered the high level basics of the SOLID principles in JavaScript. If you’d like to know more, and see how these principles apply to other languages, frameworks and more, join my mailing list. I’ve got a lot of additional insight waiting for you, and you don’t want to miss out!

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