MvcContrib source code has moved to GitHub

We recently moved the MvcContrib projects source code over to GitHub.  We are hoping that the ease of creating forks and pulling them back into the trunk will allow for more contributions to the project.  I know that GIT seems to be a source control system that few developers in the .Net space seem to know about but Jeremy Skinner created a great tutorial specifically for the MvcContrib project.


Here are the sections of the tutorial



Continuous Integration is running on the Codebetter TeamCity server.  Codebetter and Jetbrains have teamed up and are providing free build server for opensource projects.  Below is the MvcContrib builds, we currently have 3 builds running.. the old Subversion source. the new Git Hub trunk, and a branch on GitHub that is compiled against the MVC 2 ctp. If you want to download the binaries you can do so by accessing the artifacts from the build server.  When you go to the team city server it will prompt you for a login. Select the Login as Guest option.

The build server is located here

image </p>


The MvcContrib home page is still located here:

Live Meeting with Phil Haack – MVC 2 – 08/26/2009 9am PST – 10 am PST ( 12pm-1pm EST)