We are hiring!

We (TOPAZ Technologies Ltd.) are looking for a junior developer ideally having 1-2 years of experience. If you are eager to work in an agile environment together with a highly motivated team then do not hesitate to contact me. On the other hand if you are NOT a junior developer any more but have a friend that might be a candidate for us then please do not hesitate to forward this message to her or him.

Our environment

We are developing software and providing services for the pharmaceutical industry as well as for universities and hospitals. We are developing on the .NET platform (currently 3.5 and migrating soon to 4.0) and are using Silverlight 4 to implement our web client. We also implement clients for Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) and will soon provide an interface to the iPhone. On the backend we are using Oracle and SQL Server databases. NHibernate is used as our ORM tool. Our mappings and mapping conventions are defined by using Fluent NHibernate. To index our entities we use Lucene.NET and thus leverage its super fast and flexible full text search capabilities.

We have many products and the respective domain can be quite complex, thus we use DDD and CQRS as our architectural patterns.

As a SCM we use Git and for our builds TeamCity, in conjunction with Rake.**We track our user stories and defects in **Rally.

We are constantly learning by sharing our knowledge during our daily developer meetings.

What we expect

You have some experience in at least a couple of the following areas (nobody knows everything so donโ€™t be scared ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  • .NET 3.x or higher and C#
  • .NET compact framework
  • Silverlight
  • Test Driven Development (TDD) with NUnit, MbUnit, XUnit, etc.
  • S.O.L.I.D. principles
  • MVVM Pattern
  • IoC container like Windsor, StructureMap, Ninject or Unity
  • NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate
  • SQL Server and/or Oracle
  • Ruby, Rake
  • SCM like SVN, Git or Mercurial


You have a curious mind and are eager to learn, learn, learn and grow.

You are open minded and a team player.

You are willing to work hard and share our enthusiasm for development.

Please send your resume to gnschenker at gmail dot com.

โ† Git and our friction points and beginners mistakes