NHibernate 3 Beginners Guide

I am heading towards another mile stone in my life. Later this year my first book will be published. I have always wanted to write a book but never had a topic that is at the same time interesting for me and also of relevance to a publisher. After having reviewed my first book lately, the publisher approached me whether I am not interested in writing a book myself. Happily I accepted this proposal. The book is about NHibernate, a topic which is very familiar to me as most of your readers might know. I have been writing a lot of posts about NHibernate in the past, mostly on the NHibernate FAQ blog and also posted some articles and tutorials on the NHibernate home page and on DotNetSlackers Web Site.

The title of the book is “NHibernate 3 Beginner Guide” and it will be published by Packt Publishing. As the title tells it is an introduction to the most recent version of NHibernate. But in contrast to other books that have been written about NHibernate so far I want to address the topic in a little bit different way. My goal is to introduce this ORM framework by using a model centric view and not a data centric view. Consequently NHibernate is used to map the model to a data store and the details of the data store (although important) do not play the same central role as in many other texts.

As the book is an introduction to NHibernate I want to provide the reader a friction-less approach to how to use this ORM framework. In the spirit of this I will discuss topics as mapping entities to tables or configuring NHibernate mostly by using convention based approaches (e.g. ConfORM, Auto-mapping with Fluent NHibernate) or by using fluent APIs. XML based configuration and mapping will also be discussed, but only as “one” way to do things and not “the” way to do it.

Luckily ,while writing the book, I can leverage all the positive and negative experiences we’ve had in our day to day work with NHibernate. That led me to the conclusion that I absolutely have to add a chapter about “how you can screw up things with NHibernate…”. Of course, the title of the chapter will be different, but it will be fun.

At the time of writing I have already finished the first 3 chapters and “only” 8 chapters are left. Stay tuned…

New book on NHibernate