CodeMash 2012 wrap up

This year was my first to attend the bacon debauchery that is CodeMash. I had been suggested to go by pretty much everyone that I’ve met that has gone, and this year I was fortunate enough to be selected as a speaker.

My talk was on “Crafting Wicked Domain Models” that while was not recorded, all the slides and code can be found on my GitHub:

Although that event wasn’t recorded, check out Claudio Lassala’s blog, where he recorded me doing the talk at the Houston Code Camp a couple months before.

A couple of folks came up to me afterwards telling me that they could never code/refactor in front of a Live Studio Audience. But, since the example was straight out of a real project I had lived through, it made going through the code a lot easier.

The questions afterwards were great, too. I always get some discussion around “it’s great and all, but now I have a bunch more classes to deal with”. It’s a fair criticism, and one to keep an eye out for. The way I see it, if the code is more understandable and more representative of real-world concepts, it’s a win. If, however, I’m having a hard time thinking of the names of classes for which I’m building responsibilities around, it’s a bit of a smell that I’m just inventing abstractions.

CodeMash really was a blast. The people were fantastic, the location was great, the food was fantastic, the beer and bacon were plentiful, and as always, the conversations were unforgettable. Hope to see everyone there next year!

The grand No Flash experiment (update)