$fileContents = file_get_contents($url); $fileContents = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $fileContents);Next I replace double quotes with single quotes and trim leadign and trailing spaces, this helps to ensure the simple XML function can parse the XML appropriately. Then we call the _simplexml\_load\_string()_ function.
$fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents)); $simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($fileContents);The final step we need is to convert the XML to JSON, for that we will use the _json_encode()_ function.
$json = json_encode($simpleXml);</pre>
That’s it! All together now:
<?php class XmlToJson { public function Parse ($url) { $fileContents= file_get_contents($url); $fileContents = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $fileContents); $fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents)); $simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($fileContents); $json = json_encode($simpleXml); return $json; } } ?>
Now if we want to utilize our creation we can create a file which uses the class we created above, assuming we store the XmlToJson class in a file named XmlToJson.php. We can create a file for a specific XML web service, include our class and call it XmlToJson::Parse($url). Just for fun we’ll point to the XML for the NFL scorestrip.
<?php include 'XmlToJson.php'; print XmlToJson::Parse("http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/ss.xml"); ?>
Now we can call our new file, say we name it getNflDataAsJson.php, it will return the converted JSON. Calling it from jQuery below:
$.getJSON('getNflDataAsJson.php', function(data) { //do something });
Thats all I’ve got, let me know if you have any questions, things you would do differently or general comments.
Thanks much!