St Louis Day of .NET
I’m getting excited for St. Louis Day of .Net, August 28th-29th! We have two Los Techies members speaking at this event. Chris Patterson is speaking on Event Driven Architecture and Keith Dahlby is speaking on Linq Internals.
It is a two-day conference this year and is full of good speakers (see previous paragraph). In addition to our own Los Techies speakers, a couple other friends of mine are presenting sessions as well. Tim Barcz is presenting on “Beginner’s Guide to Unit Tests“, a talk I co-presented with him at Iowa Code Camp in the spring of 2009. Additionally, Dru Sellers will be there presenting on “An Introduction to Inversion of Control“.
It looks like a great event to attend if you’re in the area. For more information, visit and follow @stldodn on Twitter.