ALT.NET Seattle Starts Tonight

While I’m trying to keep my posts at pace with the event here in Seattle, it gets harder as more attendees arrive. Yesterday, Evan Hoff showed up and we took another trip down to Pike Place Market for some food and festivities. After an afternoon of good conversation, we went to Kells Irish Pub to meet up with Ayende and Udi (along with some other folks) to talk about software architecture.

The variance in perspective between different architects is always interesting, and this meeting did not disappoint. Recognizing the strong points in each design style was helpful by understanding the background of each approach. I’m looking forward to more of that this weekend.

The weather turned completely crappy today (technical term, sorry), as it is cold and wet. We still managed to run about and snag some chow before things get fired up tonight. A pretty solid crowd is overflowing the lounge in the hotel and you can tell there is some energy building.

We’re about to head that way to get the final things wrapped up and organized. Look for more later tonight (or tomorrow if the talks get deep)!

ALT.NET Seattle Pre-Conference Warm Up