Dependency Management in .Net: Get
[Update: This article refers to a tool which will no longer be maintained. Until such time as NuGet is updated to naively support these capabilities, consider using the plug-in described here.]
In my last article, I demonstrated how my team is currently using NuGet.exe from our rake build to facilitate application-level, build-time retrieval of external dependencies. Since not everyone uses rake for their build process, I decided to create a simple tool that could be consumed by any build process.
To see how the tool works, follow these steps:
Step 1: From the command line, execute the following:
$> nuget install Get
Step 2: Change directory to the Get tools folder.
Step 3: Create a plain text file named dependencies.config and add the following package references:
NHibernate Moq 4.0.10827
Step 4: Execute the following command:
$> get dependencies.config
The tool currently supports NuGet’s -Source, -ExcludeVersion, and -OutputDirectory switches. From here, you just need to have it download to a central lib folder and adjust your project references as necessary. Now stop checking in those assemblies! 🙂