Austin Code Camp 2009 Was A Ton-O-Fun!

First and foremost – thanks to John Teague and Eric Hexter for organizing such a great event. It was as good, if not better than any of the previous Code Camps. The content was tremendous, the speakers were great, the attendees were passionate and eager to ask questions! Everyone that was there really pulled together a great conference.

My Presentations

My SOLID presentation was probably my best presentation to-date. It was fun, I felt good, and I am honestly overwhelmed by how much positive feedback I received from this presentation. People from all over Texas, and as far away as Arkansas are asking me to do this presentation at their local user groups! I really do feel blessed to been able to deliver this presentation to such a packed room of people – and I’ve seen a few tweets about people that couldn’t even get into the room!

My Decoupling Workflow Presentation went about as well as I expected. It was a little disjoined, I presented some things in the wrong order, and had a hard time keeping the audience interested at times. For those of you who provided feedback on this, THANK YOU! I have some great ideas on how to improve this by restructuring and reorganizing. I sincerely hope that you took at least something away from that session.

Presentation Material

For those of you who are interested in obtaining the presentation materials, you can get them from the ****Austin Code Camp Subversion repository @ Google code**.**</p>

Pictures and Video

A recording of my SOLID presentation was made – and I can’t remember the name of the guy who did it! D’OH! I was promised that it would be posted online somewhere – maybe Youtube or something – so that we can share it with the world. If anyone has any pictures or video of this presentation, please contact me ([email protected]) with info on where it’s posted, or how I can get a copy of it so that I can post it.

A coworker (Michael Adkins) made a few short video clips of my SOLID presentation.

Here are some pictures that I took, and some that my coworkers took with my camera, at #ACC09.

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Announcing Pablo’s E-Books! Book #1: Pablo’s SOLID Software Development