SEO And Accessibility With HTML5 PushState, Part 3: The Video

Last weekend, I gave a presentation on HTML5 PushState using PushState, at Pablo’s Fiesta (I know, I know… a presentation at an open spaces conf. ya. :P) and David Ohara was kind enough to record it and upload it to Vimeo. So, here it is… consider this part 3 of my 2 part series on pushstate.

Derick Bailey on HTML5 PushState from David O’Hara on Vimeo.

It’s a fairly short talk, actually – only about 30 minutes of content directly related to PushState. After that, the audience starts asking about Backbone.js in general so I answer some questions about the router and implementing things in Backbone.

JavaScript Has Built-In Mix-ins With ‘apply’ Or ‘call’