Strengthening your domain: The double dispatch pattern

Previous posts in this series:

It looks like there’s a pattern emerging here around encapsulation, and that’s not an accident.  Many of the code smells in the Fowler or Kerievsky refactoring books deal with proper encapsulation of both data and behavior.  In the previous post, we looked at closure of operations, that when an operation is completed, the aggregate root’s state is consistent.

In many anemic domain models, the behavior is there but in the wrong place.  For the DDD-literate, this is usually in a lot of domain services all poking at the state of the domain model.  We can refactor these services to enforce consistency through closed operations on our model, but there are cases where this sort of domain behavior doesn’t belong in the model.

This now begins to be difficult to reconcile.  We want to have a consistent model, but now we want to bring in services to the mix.  Do we now forgo the concept of Command/Query Separation in our model, and just expose state?  Or can we have our cake and eat it too?


Bringing in services

The last example looked at fees, payments and customers.  When a payment is recorded against a fee, we re-calculate the balance:

public Payment RecordPayment(decimal paymentAmount)
    var payment = new Payment(paymentAmount, this);



    return payment;

private void RecalculateBalance()
    var totalApplied = _payments.Sum(payment => payment.Amount);
    Balance = Amount - totalApplied;

The problem comes in when calculating the balance becomes more difficult.  We might have a rather complex method for calculating payments, we might have recurring payments, transfers, debits, credits and so on.  This might become too much responsibility for the Fee object.  In fact, it could be argues that the Fee shouldn’t be responsible for how the balance is calculated, but instead only ensure that when a payment is recorded, the balance is updated.

We have several options here:

  • Update the Balance outside the RecordPayment method, with the caller “remembering”
  • Use a BalanceCalculator service as part of the RecordPayment method

I never like a solution that requires a user of the domain to “remember” to call a method after another one.  It’s not intention-revealing, and tends to leave the domain model in a wacky in-between state.  For many domains, this might be acceptable.  But with more complexity comes the issue of trying to sort out what scenarios are valid or not.  When a test breaks because an invariant is not satisfied, that’s a clear message that something broke the domain.

But if we leave our domain in half-baked states, it becomes much more difficult to decipher what to do when we change the behavior of our model and tests start to break.  Are the existing scenarios supported, or are they just around?  In the case of the latter, that’s where you start to see more defensive coding practices, throwing exceptions, gut-check asserts and so on.

So we decide to go with the Aggregate Root relying on a Domain Service for balance calculation.  Now we have to decide where the service comes from.

For those using a DI container, you might try to inject the dependencies into the aggregate root.  That leads to a whole host of problems, which are so numerous I won’t derail a perfectly good post by getting into it.  Instead, there’s another, more intention-revealing option: the double dispatch pattern.

Services and the double dispatch pattern

The double dispatch pattern is quite simple.  It involves passing an object to a method, and the method body calls another method on the passed in object, usually passing in itself as an argument.  In our case, we’ll first create an interface that represents our balance calculator domain service:

public interface IBalanceCalculator
    decimal Calculate(Fee fee);

The signature of the method is important.  It accepts a Fee object, but returns the total directly.  It doesn’t try to modify the Fee, allowing for a side-effect free function.  I can call the calculator as many times as I like with a given Fee, and I can be assured that the Fee object won’t be changed.  From the Fee side, I now need to use this service as part of recording a payment:

public Payment RecordPayment(decimal paymentAmount, IBalanceCalculator balanceCalculator)
    var payment = new Payment(paymentAmount, this);


    Balance = balanceCalculator.Calculate(this);

    return payment;

The intent of the RecordPayment method remains the same: it records a payment, and updates the balance.  The balance on the Fee object will always be correct.  The wrinkle we added is that our RecordPayment method now delegates to a domain service, the IBalanceCalculator, for calculation of the balance.  However, the Fee object is still responsible for maintaining a correct balance.  We just call the Calculate method on the balance calculator, passing in “this”, to figure out what the actual correct balance can be.

Wrapping it up

When a domain object begins to contain too many responsibilities, we start to break out those extra responsibilities into things like value objects and domain services.  This does not mean we have to give up consistency and closure of operations, however.  With the use of the double dispatch pattern, we can avoid anemic domain models, as well as the forlorn attempt to inject services into our domain model.  Our methods stay very intention-revealing, showing exactly what is needed to fulfill a request of recording a payment.

Strengthening your domain: Encapsulating operations