CodeStock 2011 Wrap-up
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the CodeStock 2011 conference. I haven’t been to a whole lot of developer-run conferences besides our own local code camps, but this one absolutely blew the others away. The organizers were great, the facilities were great, the pre- and post-conference events were great, the keynote was *fantastic* from Charles Petzold. Besides great organizers, I think what pushed this one over the top was charging just a little bit of money (something like $50-80) to make the conference really great.
I gave two talks at the conference:
The first walks through transforming an anemic domain model into one that enforces its boundaries, just through techniques of finding code smells and applying standard OO/refactoring techniques. The second talk is basically a condensation of the Pro Git book in a demo form, highlighting the things that tripped me up when I started out.
All in all, a fantastic conference, and I can’t wait to (hopefully) be back next year.