Integrating Toto and a Sinatra app in 10 steps

Integrating a Sinatra and toto application is a little tricky for those unfamiliar with hosting multiple Rack applications in a single Rack instance. To integrate these two for, I followed similar instructions from the toto wiki:

  1. cd your_sinatra_app
  2. mkdir blog
  3. cd blog
  4. git clone git:// .
  5. merge the contents of the dorothy .gems file with the .gems file in the root of your Sinatra application
  6. remove the files needed for a standalone toto install
    1. rm README
    2. rm Rakefile (you may want to move the toto rakefile to the root directory to take advantage of the “new” task for creating new posts.)
    3. rm
    4. rm .gems
    5. rm -rf public
    6. rm -rf .git
  7. cd .. (back to the root of your Sinatra app)
  8. create a Rack config file,, in your Sinatra root, if it doesn’t already exist
  9. Open in your favorite text editor and add the following: <pre>require ‘toto’ require ‘./app’

use Rack::ShowExceptions

use Rack::CommonLogger

#run the toto application

toto = do

#override the default location for the toto directories Toto::Paths = { :templates => “blog/templates”, :pages => “blog/templates/pages”, :articles => “blog/articles” }

#set your config variables here set :title, “Your Blog Title” set :date, lambda {|now| now.strftime(“%B #{} %Y”) } set :summary, :max => 500 set :root, “blog” set :url, “”


#create a rack app

app = do

use Rack::CommonLogger

#map requests to /blog to toto map ‘/blog’ do run toto end

#map all the other requests to sinatra map ‘/’ do run SinatraApp end end.to_app

run app</pre>

  1. Open your Sinatra app and wrap any Sinatra code with a class “SinatraApp” that inherits from Sinatra::Base: <pre>require ‘rubygems’ require ‘sinatra’

class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base get ‘/’ do “I love lamp” end end</pre>

Now test your code with thin or any other rack-enabled test web server and push! A full working application can be found at my github.
