End-to-end Hypermedia: Building a React Client

In the last post, I walked through what is to me the most interesting part of REST – the client. It’s easy to build a server API, but no API is complete without someone actually using that API. This is where most REST examples fall down for me – they show all sorts of pretty pictures of hypermedia-rich JSON from the server, but no real examples of how to consume that API.

I walked through some jQuery code in the last post, but why stop with jQuery? That’s so 2010. Instead, I want to build around React. React is perfect for hypermedia because of its component-oriented nature. A resource’s representation can be broken down into its components, and React components then matched accordingly. But before we get into the client, I’ll need to modify my sample to consume React.

Installing React

As a shortcut, I’m just going to use ReactJS.Net to build React into my existing MVC app. I install the ReactJS.Net NuGet package, and add a script reference to my downloaded react.js library. Normally, I’d go through the whole Bower/npm path, but this seemed like the simplest path to integrate into my sample.

I’m going to create just a blank JSX file for all my React components for this page, and slim down my Index view to the basics:

All of the div placeholders are removed except one, for content. I pull in the React library and my custom React components. The ReactJS.Net package takes my JSX file and transpiles it into Javascript (as well as builds the needed files for in-browser debugging). Finally, I render my base React component, passing in the root URL for kicking off the initial request for instructors, and the DOM element in which to render the React component into.

Once I’ve got the basic React library up and running, it’s time to figure out how we would like to componentize our page.

Slicing our Page

If we look at the page we want to create, we need to take this page and create React components from the parts we find. Here’s our page from before:

Looking at this, I see three individual tables populated with collection+json data. I’m thinking I create one overall component composed of three individual items. Inside the table, I can break things up into the table, rows, header, cells and links:

I might need a few more, but this is a good start. Next, we can start building our React components.

React Components

First up is our overall component that contains our three tables of collection+json data. Since I have an understanding of what’s getting returned on the server side, I’m going to make an assumption that I’m building out three tables, and I can navigate links to drill down to more. Additionally, this component will be responsible for making the initial AJAX call and keeping the overall state. State is important in React, and I’ve decided to keep the parent component responsible for the resource state rather than each table. My InstructorInfo component is:

I’m using ES6 here, which makes building React components a bit nicer to work with. I first declare my React component, extending from React.Component. Next, in my constructor, I set up the initial state, a object with empty values for the instructors/courses/students state. Finally, I set up the binding for a callback function to bind to the React component as opposed to the function itself.

In the componentDidMount function, I perform the initial AJAX call and set the instructors collection state based on the data that gets back. The URL I use to make the initial call is based on the “href” of my components properties.

The _handleSelect function is the callback of the clicked link way down on one of the tables. I wanted to have the parent component manage fetching new collections instead of a child component figuring out what to do. That method makes the AJAX call based on the “href” passed in from the collection+json data, gets the state back and updates the relevant state based on the “rel” of the link. To make things easy, I matched up the state’s property names to the rel’s I knew about.

Finally, the render function just has a div with my three CollectionJsonTable components, binding up the data and select functions. Let’s look at that component next:

This one is not quite as interesting. It only has the render method, and the first part is just to manage either no data or empty data. Since my data can conditionally have links, I found it easier to inform child components whether or not links exist (through the lodash code), rather than every component having to re-figure this out.

To build up each row, I map the collection+json items to CollectionJsonTableRow components, setting up the necessary props (the item, containsLinks, onSelect and key items). In React, there’s no event aggregator so I have to pass down a callback function to the lowest component via properties all the way down. Finally, since I’m building a collection of components, it’s best practice to put some sort of key on these items so that React knows how to re-render correctly.

The final rendered component is a table with a CollectionJsonTableHeader and the rows. Let’s look at that header next:

This component also only has a render method. I map the data items from the first item in the collection, producing header cells based on the prompt from the collection+json data. If the collection contains links, I’ll add an empty header cell on the end. Finally, I render the header with the header cells in a row.

With the header done, I can circle back to the CollectionJsonTableRow:

The row’s responsibility is just to build up the collection of cells, plus the optional CollectionJsonTableLinkCell. As before, I have to pass down the callback for the link clicks. Similar to the header cells, I fill in the data value (instead of the prompt). Next up is our link cell:

This one isn’t so interesting, it just loops through the links, building out a CollectionJsonTableLink component, filling in the link object, key, and callback. Finally, our CollectionJsonTableLink component:

The link clicks are the most interesting part here. I didn’t want my link itself to have the behavior of what to do on click, so I call my “onSelect” prop in the click event from my link. The _handleClick method calls the onSelect method, passing in the href/rel from the collection+json link object. In my render method, I just output a normal anchor tag, with the rel and prompt from the link object, and the onClick event bound to the _handleClick method. Finally, I indicate that the onSelect prop is required, so that I don’t have to check for its existence when the link is clicked.

With all these components, I’ve got a working example:

I found working with hypermedia and React to be a far nicer experience than just raw jQuery. I could reason about individual components at the same level as the hypermedia controls, matching what I was building much more effectively to the resource representation returned. I still have to have some sort of knowledge of how I’m going to navigate the links and what to do, but that logic is all encapsulated in my topmost component.

Each of the sub-components aren’t tied to my overall logic and can be re-used as much as I want across my application, allowing me to use collection+json extensively and not worry about having to parse the result again and again. I’ve got a component that can effectively render a nice table based on a collection+json representation.

Next, we’ll kick things up a notch and build out a React.Native implementation, pushing the limit of hypermedia with a dynamic native mobile client.

End-to-End Hypermedia: Building the Client