IronPython how cool it is

Briefly, IronPython is an implementation of Python in the .Net runtime. This allows you access to  .Net framework goodness while programming in a dynamic language. The current stable version 2.0.1 maps to CPython 2.5.This allows me to do fun fun things like use my python project to access a c# project. follows is a python script using Pinsor and accessing a .net dll.


C# code:

public class Command
private readonly DoingStuff _stuff;

public Command (DoingStuff stuff)
= stuff;
public void Execute()
public class DoingStuff
public string Message
get { return "From the Doing Stuff Class, I'm doing stuff"; }



python code:

from pinsor import *
import clr
from csharpdemo import *

kernel = PinsorContainer()
kernel.register( Component.oftype(DoingStuff),Component.oftype(Command).depends([DoingStuff]) )

cmd = kernel.resolve(Command)

ouput is like:

C:ipyexmaple>”c:Program FilesIronPython 2.0.1ipy.exe”

From the Doing Stuff Class, I’m doing stuff

I’m sure you’ll all asking yourselves “what the heck” so let me summarize:

  1. created c# dll
  2. placed a python script next to it named
  3. in that script I imported the c# dll
  4. then I called my custom python IoC container Pinsor which is written in pure python
  5. added .Net objects to my python IoC container
  6. resolved a .Net object from my python IoC container
  7. then executed it with the expected results and dependencies.

When I did this test I stared at the screen completely stunned for a bit.  Pinsor was very easy to implement, and it has some decent abilities considering its short life and my limited time.  I doubt I could make the same thing in C# in twice as much time, and I’m better in C#.  This opens up some worlds for me.

With all this in mind has anyone had a chance to play with ironpython support in VS 2010?

Finally, I’d like to thank Micheal Foord with his blog and book IronPython In Action. I highly recommend reading both if you’re interested in quality programming, but especially if any of this intrigues you.

Context/Spec style testing and my approach to BDD