Introducing Formo – Dynamic Configuration
In the off-chance that I have to maintain your code in the future, I feel I should gamble and share this project with you. I created it, I use it, and I like it.
Something bothers me about seeing strings inside square brackets. It has always felt dirty and error-prone. Since C# is now being sucked into the universe of dynamic, I thought that was a good opportunity to use dynamic to avoid these strings. By no means does Formo fix all these issues, but it helps in a couple ways and makes me feel better when I need to reference configuration.
Given a configuration file:
Formo can be used to:
As well as:
Formo is lightweight, free to use, and has no dependencies. Use it now with NuGet:
Install-Package Formo
This covers the majority of use-cases I’ve come across. If you have improvements to Formo, or just ideas in general, please submit them as issues on the GitHub issues page.
Have an idea for a logo?! I’d love a pull request!</p>
EDIT: Great logo from Tim G. Thomas: