What I have been up to.

I have been pretty busy over the last few weeks. I just wanted to document what I have been doing.


image I co-presented a free Advanced ASP.Net MVC half day with Jeffrey Palermo in Austin.  We had a good group of people show up to the Austin Microsoft office.  As I was preparing and presenting the session, it has become very obvious how much



I co-presented with Jackson Harper from the Mono team at Monospace on Mono and the Web ASP .NET MVC, WebForms, Tools, and Servers.  In preparation for this session I took the code camp server, codebase and got it running with Mono on openSuse… yeah that Linux, That means that ASP.Net MVC, StructureMap, NHibernate, Automapper, Castle Validators, and MvcContrib all work on mono and are binary compatible!  I was able to compile the application in Visual Studio and using the MonoVS plugin deploy a vm.  We also demonstrated ftping the bits to a Linode and Jackson showed how to get is all setup.  He even made a Virtual Appliance that when you start it up in vmware it will be running the application on the web server..  You can get the slides, link to the mono version of the source code, download the virtual appliance from the mini site that was setup for the talk. http://MonoOnTheWeb.info .  I thought it was pretty cool seeing all of this stuff work.  It was a great way to prove out that the application stack that Headspring uses can be deployed on a wide range of platforms which ultimately opens up our potential customer base.


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I had the chance to present Database Change Management as the InnoTech conference.  It was pretty good to get out and see a group of people that I have not seen before.  I sometimes feel like I am in the Austin .Net bubble so while I presented some code samples in .Net using SQL server I really tried to present the information as being agnositc of you database platform.  Good development techniques can transcend technology and platforms.

Video of the Continuous Integration workshop