Red Gate should have said…
Red Gate Software’s recent open letter to the .NET community has caused a bit of a stir. Here’s an alternate version that may have gone over better…
In August 2008, Red Gate took over stewardship of .NET Reflector, one of the most popular .NET developer tools around. At the time, we said we would “continue to offer the tool for free to the community,” and we’ve made good on that promise. Since then, we’ve invested heavily in .NET Reflector:
- A Visual Studio plug-in, allowing you to jump direcetly to classes and methods in Reflector
- Support for .NET 4 assemblies
- Support for C# 4 and Visual Basic 10 language features
- Support for opening assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache
- Numerous bug fixes
Unfortunately, these investments have come at a higher cost than anticipated. As of version 7, due for release in March 2011, we will charge $35 for .NET Reflector. Version 6.7 will continue to be available for free—forever, but we hope you’ll find the new features of version 7 to be worth the investment.
We appreciate your continued trust in Red Gate to provide the best in tools for .NET developers.